PHA (WA) Inc. is a member of the Professional Historians Australia (PHA). PHA established the national criteria by which PHA (WA) and other member associations accredit historians; similar to the way that other professionals, such as architects and engineers, are accredited. Details about the national body of the PHA can be found HERE.
Objectives of PHA (WA)
- To promote the concept of professional history and the status of Members of the Association in the community.
- To set and maintain standards of professional practice.
- To act in the interest of Members.
- To maintain a register of all Members.
- To advise Members and prospective clients on desirable terms of employment.
- To collect and disseminate information of professional and general interest to Members.
- To encourage further professional development by such means as seminars, workshops and publications.
- To maintain links with similar organisations.
Code of Ethics
All members undertake to abide by a Code of Ethics and Professional Standards available to read HERE.
Rules of Association PHA (WA)
The Rules of Association (adopted 15 September 2019) are available to read HERE.
Management Committee
PHA (WA) is administered by a Management Committee which is elected each year at its AGM. It meets quarterly to discuss such issues as accreditation, members benefits, and the employment of professional historians. The Committee is responsible for promoting professional development and other activities for its members, and the dissemination of such information as work opportunities.
The majority of PHA (WA) members are consultant historians engaged in a variety of history projects throughout WA. For information about joining PHA (WA) go to MEMBERSHIP